Saturday 11 April 2009

Making Easter Eggs

Easter can very easily turn into a choc-fest. Chocolate Easter eggs are everywhere and ridiculously cheap so it is very easy to end up with a multitude of the things. When my two girls were little I asked their relatives not to buy them chocolate eggs at Easter because little children really don't need to eat chocolate and certainly don't miss what they have never had. I don't buy them sweets either. It's a tricky position to take but if you are fairly relaxed about it it can work out well. When they go to parties their party bag will inevitably contain a few sweets so on those occasions they will eat sweets and sometimes they are given sweets whilst at friends' houses. This attitude means that sweets are not a forbidden fruit (and consequently even more desirable) but they do not expect sweets from me nor every time we go into a shop, and I have never been nagged to buy any. I'd much rather buy them a magazine instead and they are happy when I do.

When chocolate Easter eggs are not an option it makes you more imaginative about Easter gifts but to be honest there are so many other things available at Easter time that it is easy to find something else that does not involve chocolate. Cuddly toys, craft kits, clothes etc.... Tomorrow I shall be doing an Easter Egg hunt with my girls with lovely fluffy bunny baskets and plastic eggs filled with little toys and craft items, and they are really looking forward to it.

Still, I did end up with some Easter egg moulds that I got off Freecycle with a collection of other things, including egg wraps that shrink around eggs when you boil them (looking forward to trying them out). So today we made chocolate rice crispie cake mix but rather than putting them into paper cases, we filled the Easter egg moulds instead. When they were set we put the two halves together and wrapped them up in a piece of attractive foil. Now they both have chocolate Easter eggs but, with the chocolate padded out with puffed rice, they are unlikely to get through them at a rate of more than a quarter of an egg at a time.

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