Friday 18 September 2009

Making things with plums

When we bought our house back in 1998 it already had a well established plum tree in the back garden. It has continued to crop well every year, so much so that one year the weight of fruit broke some of the branches. We have learnt from this and thin out the fruit in early July but we still get pounds and pounds of fruit from it. Most of this I earmark for jam and chutney making but I also like to use some of it in cakes and bakes.

This week I invited a friend over to help herself to several pounds of plums from my tree and when she arrived she had a magazine under her arm containing a recipe for plum flapjacks. I hurriedly scribbled it down and later that afternoon I modified it and made my own version of them. And what a hit they turned out to be! Gooey, sticky and a cross between a flapjack and a cake. I think you could even serve it hot with custard!

Plum flapjacks

1 lb (454g) plums
½ teaspoon mixed spice
Pinch of salt
8 oz (225g) light muscovado sugar
8 oz (225g) butter
3 tablespoons golden syrup
10 oz (275g) oats
5 oz (145g) plain flour

Wash the plums then cut them in half and remove the stones. Chop into small pieces and place in a bowl. Sprinkle over the spice, salt and 2 oz (55g) of the sugar. Stir and set a side. Preheat oven to 200°C, gas 6 and grease a 20 by 20cm tin. Put the remaining sugar, butter and syrup in a saucepan and melt together. Put the oats and flour into another bowl and mix in the melted ingredients. Spoon half this mixture into the base of the tin and use wetted fingers to press it down as an even layer. Spoon the plums over this as another layer then finish with the remaining oat mixture and press down lightly. Bake for 40-45 minutes until bubbling and golden. Remove from the oven and use a spatula to run around the edge of the flapjack. Leave to cool completely in the tin then cut into suitable sized pieces.

The flapjacks didn't last a week - they were gobbled up by Thursday, so this afternoon I adapted a fruit cake recipe to make plum and orange fruit cake and this too proved to be yummy. I think I need to strip the tree and freeze the remaining plums so I can make more of these plum recipes throughout the year.

Plum and Orange Fruit Cake

8 oz (225g) self-raising flour
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon mixed spice

8 oz plums

5 fl oz (150ml) water
Zest and juice of 2 oranges
14 oz (400g) mixed dried fruit

4 oz (115g) butter or margarine
4 oz (115g) soft light brown sugar
2 tablespoons sherry
2 eggs, beaten

Preheat oven to 170°C, gas mark 3 and line a cake tin. Sift the flour, salt and spice into a bowl. Stone and chop the plums then place in a large pan with the orange zest and juice and the water. Bring to the boil and cook for about 10 minutes then add the dried fruit, butter and sugar. Stir until the butter has melted then bring back to the boil and simmer for another 10 minutes. Set aside and allow to cool. Add the sherry to the mix then pour the mix onto the dry ingredients and stir well. Stir in the egg then pour into the cake tin. Cook for one and a half hours. Test with a skewer and cool in the tin.

Having filled the cake tin again I didn't really need to make anything else for dessert but there were still plenty of plums so I decided to preserve some as plum crumble. A while ago I had bought 12 mini foil containers with lids from Poundland and these proved to be the perfect for making individual portion sized crumbles. It was satisfying to stack them up in the freezer, ready for another day when I have neither a ready supply of plums nor the time to make dessert.

Plum and Orange Crumble (makes 4 portions)

8-12 plums

1 orange

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

100g light muscovado sugar

125g butter

75g plain flour

75g wholemeal flour

25g oats

Stone and halve the plums and place them in a bowl with the zest and juice of the orange, the cinnamon and 50g of the sugar. Stir well then spoon into the crumble container.s Cut the butter up into small cubes and add 3 cubes to each of the 4 crumble containers. Put the remaining butter in a bowl with the flour and rub to breadcrumb texture. Add the sugar and oats to the crumble mix then scatter this over the plum mix. Seal the crumble containers and freeze if desired. To cook, thaw completely and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C, gas 4 until the juices start to bubble through the crumble. Serve hot with cream, custard or ice-cream.

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