Monday 2 February 2009

Proper snow

It was nice to have some proper snow today for a change. If it is going to snow and cause problems it might as well do it in a big way so that you can make a decent snowman. It took an hour for me to get home with my girls after picking them up from school. Not because of traffic chaos or unpassable roads but because we took our time. We walked home, stopping to throw snowballs at garden walls and school friends, to make footprints in fresh snow, to make snow angels, snow castles and a snowman. By 4 o'clock the cold had crept through our soggy gloves and hats and it was time to go indoors. A house that had seemed chilly when I left it now felt warm and cosy. We stripped off our snowy clothes and snuggled up in fluffy dressing gowns and blankets. By now the girls were thirsty and hungry. I asked them what they wanted to eat and was somewhat surprised by the unanimous reply of "ice-cream!"

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